Thursday, September 11, 2008

McCain has family values?

I just found this article about John McCain and his former wife. There is an email that is circulating around that only includes the most negative parts of the article. I have checked the validity of the content, and it really happened. I wanted to post this article for everyone to see, and make up their own opinion.

Here are my thoughts. The way McCain conducted himself with the divorce of his exwife is really despicable. For those of you who know me, you know that I don't "go with the flow" of the mormon majority in Utah. I feel I have been blessed with life opportunities, and have been able to think for myself. I do not know how an honest person who really wants to do the right thing can look at this situation and not be disgusted. This country put Bill Clinton through the ringer for his adulterous activity. I remember the talks of impeachment over what he did. I agree, it was despicable, and was a horrible example to every American. What I don't understand though is how can the same people who cried for President Clintons resignation now turn their heads and say, "Well, that was a long time ago, and its a different situation. Its not my place to judge." John McCain is a shitty example of integrity, and not the type of person I'd like to be my leader. I have several beliefs and desires that are quite conservative. However, at this time I don't feel that our current option for staying conservative would be the most productive and best option. I say NO to McCain, and I say NO to the last 8 years of american history. I hope for better days.

(In case you couldn't tell, this was posted by Joel, not Mandi)


Potters said...

I'm glad that you feel like you can think for yourself. There are so many people out there that don't know how to do that fully. Politics can be such a sensitive thing for people to talk about. I beleive that there is dirt on each canadit and that it will all come out when they are running to be our president.

Unknown said...


A Crone's Life said...

When asked if he had any regrets about his life, John McCain responded that his greatest regret was "the failure of my first marriage." He is openly repentent about his dispicable behavior that hurt his wife and children. You and I know a few other men whose behavior has been dispicable, ruined their family, but have gone on to contribute to society and enjoy the forgiveness of those closest to them.

I suggest you take a step back from the political arena and view your candidates as "people" rather than icons. They are just humans, like you and me. Vote for the individuals who you feel will put your citizen-interests before their own agenda.

Love you! - Mom

p.s. - I spanked all three of my boys this week at Fantasy Football.

Karlie said...

You tell em Kelli!!!!

Joel Frost said...

I honestly don't think that McCain would do anything different than what Bush has started. I think that Obama has something to prove, and is here because he is a good person and does what he says. Even if you don't agree with him, you can rest assured that he is going to do what he believes is right.