Friday, January 2, 2009

Cody is home!!!

My cute brother Cody just got home from his mission in New York on December 22. He is such a good kid. I am so proud of him for serving for two years, and being such a great example to his little brothers. Good job Cody! We love you!

Jeffrey LOVED the moving sidewalk at the airport. He thought it was so cool.

It was a stormy day, so his plane was delayed. We were all so anxious!

This is Amber, his girlfriend. I think she was probably the most anxious to see him :)

My mom was about ready to run up the escalator when we finally saw him.

The first time he got to hold his niece!

Tyler tried so hard to be bigger than Cody! But Cody won on height... Sorry Ty.


Unknown said...

Ummmm... I thought that Cody and Tyler were the same person. They look the exact same. Now I know how people feel when they get confused with Joel and I. You two always talk about Mandi's bro on a mission, and I always wondered what he looked like, and thought that I had never seen him. I just looked at the pics of Elder Cody, and thought that I was looking at Tyler. I am now up to speed on the Larsen boys.

Sharon said...

Hi! I'm Sister de Paula of the New York New York South Mission. My husband and I are serving here and guess what? We just said good-bye to Elder Larsen last week.

We knew from linking to your blog through Kelli Allred's blog several months ago who he was. But at the time, he was in Bermuda. I just wanted to say what a fine young man and great missionary he was in the field. (Kelli has been a dear friend of ours for years - first through the Tabernacle Choir.)

The reunion looks so fun! The best of everything to all of you.

Love, Elder and Sister de Paula

The Emerys said...

Hey thats so exciting that he is home. I bet your fam is loving it. I wish I was in your spot and my brother has just come home. It was so good to see you a couple of weeks ago. We will have to stay in touch and maybe get together sometime.