Wednesday, October 3, 2007

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JOEL PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joel has been working so hard to get his appraiser's license, and this morning was the final step, and he passed the test! He took the test on only four hours of sleep, but he's such a smarty that he nailed it anyways. Everyone congratulate him! He's been working so hard for this, and it's completely paying off. Good job honey! I love you!


Unknown said...

(Mike Says) I bet that is a huge load off of your back. Congratulations! I bet your excited to be able to do the appraisals faster now...and I'm sure keeping ALL of your commissions makes it that much sweeter!

Unknown said...

I want pictures of the progress on your desks and of your couch and the sod that was laid. You guys are gettin lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your TV and stuff come on guys.

Unknown said...

Oh and I already congratulated Joel so way to go bud!

Joel and Mandi said...

Gosh... Sorry I'm not a master blogger like someone else I know... I'm I will try to do it this weekend. I probably won't though. Once we get completely moved in, I will update it.