Friday, April 10, 2009

Broseph is OUT of the circle

Broseph has been so good. I think that Mandi actually had him inside the circle at one point. I just wanted to make sure that Broseph knows he is outside of our circle now. So Broseph, if you are reading this, then basically screw you dude. You pissed us off.

If he gets outside off of his leesh, he gets in his head that you are mad at him, and he won't come anywhere near you. It takes an hour or two of chasing him to get him to give in and finally lay down for you to pick him up and bring him inside. This, as you might guess, pisses us off badly everytime that he does it, but you can't get mad at him because it will reinforce his crazy idea. Well its been a long time since he has done this. He did it again yesterday. To Mandi, while I wasn't home. Then when I drove up, he ran up to me. It was way lame of him to dis Mandi like that. So we got him a new collar. It is actually called a harness so the little a-hole can't wiggle out of his collar ever again.

Enjoy your new harness BEEYOTCH


Joel and Mandi said...

That dog is lucky I didn't leave him and just walk away...

The Emerys said...

Oh that is awesome! I am laughing so hard right now. I know not awesome for you guys but very funny. And I know you Mandi you wouldn't have the heart to walk away I'm sure you love him to much.

Potters said...

Man I would have left his sorry bum outside. Poor guys having to deal with chasing him down. He is lucky he has you guys.

Karlie said...

HA!!!!! Freakin Bros. What the heck kind of dog does that. You feed him and love him. We had a harness like that for Boon when we had him. We liked it a lot. Good luck. Mand, props for not loosing it and leaving the dog. Love the post.

Kelly O. said...

OH MY GOSH!! Thanks for making me laugh so hard this afternoon! I love this post!