Thursday, October 18, 2007


Joel's Licensed Appraiser Certificate FINALLY came in the mail yesterday. We can finally do our own appraisals! What a relief this is. Joel has worked so hard, and built an awesome company.

Pumpkin Carving

My cute honey Joel decided that it would be fun to do some pumpkin carving last night, and it was way fun! We wanted to do some cool pumpkins, and they turned out really good. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Elder Larsen

We got a few pictures from Cody, who is currently serving in Bermuda. That place looks like a freakin paradise!

Desk Building...

So, we decided to get new office desks. Mostly because Joel has been working off a small card table for the past year, and it's time we upgrade. We had some picked out, but when I went to get them, I found some desks that were about $200 cheaper, and looked nicer, so I decided to get the cheaper ones. We found out that the reason they are so cheap is because they are the most difficult and HEAVY things to put together ever. Seriously. We have been working on them on and off for about three days, and we only have one desk done. Pain in the butt. I took some pics of Joel while he was attempting to put them together. He's a little upset in this first picture, but then in the second one, he lightened up after we had a few laughs over the support rods and the turnbuckle. What is a turnbuckle you ask? Yeah... we still have no idea... Stupid desks!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JOEL PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joel has been working so hard to get his appraiser's license, and this morning was the final step, and he passed the test! He took the test on only four hours of sleep, but he's such a smarty that he nailed it anyways. Everyone congratulate him! He's been working so hard for this, and it's completely paying off. Good job honey! I love you!