Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Matt Damon said it right!

Please watch this little clip! Very good stuff by an actor of my generation. Maybe because he is famous people will listen to him. Because they are pretty much ignoring all the obvious signs staring us in the face.


Sarai said...

I don't understand what Dinosaurs have anything to do with it, but then again I do not understand a lot about politics. He does have a good point.

Unknown said...

Interesting to hear it put that way. I would have to say I agree. Have you guys read the views form my friend Wendy yet? Her link is on my blog. She'd love a comment from someone with the same views. I agree with Sarai about the dinosaurs.

Joel and Mandi said...

I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's because Palin said something about dinosaurs being around 4,000 years ago. Basically, he was just pointing out that she's a little bit stupid....