Sunday, July 27, 2008

Joel's, Aaron's and Jocie's Bday

We had a birthday party for Joel, Aaron, and little Jocie at Kelli's house. Joel and Aaron turned 29, and Jocie turned 1.


Joel and Demeree

Jocie wasn't quite sure what to do, so Demeree and Naomi were GLAD to help...

Ryan was playing his guitar, and Namoi ran in and started listening to him, and then just started dancing. It was the cutest thing ever! Sarai said her sister taught her how to do the booty dance.


Sarai said...

These videos are cute! I'm so glad you recorded that. Thanks! This is the second blog where it's talked about Naomi doing the hoochie dance, and even though she's cute I'm not sure I like that, haha! I'm in trouble, no more hoochie dancing for Naomi, he-he!

Unknown said...

That was a great comment from Sarai! Ha ha ha. That is one funny hoochie dance. I bet it is even funnier in person.